
Welcome to the Coping Cat Parents website!

We thank you for taking time to learn about anxiety and its treatment… and we applaud you in taking this step for the sake of your child.

The last two decades have brought tremendous progress in the treatment of anxiety in youth. There are now solid data to support the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy -- or CBT -- as the first-line treatment for children and teens with anxiety (Hollon& Beck, 2013). There are data that show that changing how kids cope with anxiety today can change the trajectory of how anxiety does or does not interfere in their lives long-term.

This Coping Cat Parents site was developed to educate parents, families, and professionals about anxiety and the treatment of anxiety in children and adolescents. We have brought together relevant resources, tools, and tips from the experts in the field that will be informative, and help you feel confident as you move forward in helping your child.

To provide specific guidance, there are online CBT programs available from this website that was developed for parents and kids. The parent program, Child Anxiety Tales , provides tools and strategies that parents can use to help a child manage anxiety. We describe the program briefly here and you can also find out more about it from our website. Just go to the copingcatparents.com homepage and you’ll see buttons for Child Anxiety Tales where you can click to Learn More.

The Camp Cope-A-Lot program is the first computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral treatment for anxious youth. It is designed to be used by children ages 7-13yrs with the guidance of a “coach” – a parent or counselor or therapist who help the child move through the program and practice using the tools.

Please enjoy www.copingcatparents.com, use all the resources provided for you, and get your own access to the Child Anxiety Tales and Camp Cope-A-Lot programs.


Child Anxiety Tales


We developed the Child Anxiety Tales program for parents who may be concerned about their child’s level of stress or anxiety. The program is based on the latest evidence in the treatment of child anxiety and on cognitive-behavioral principals shown to be effective in helping anxious youth.

As parents, we know how difficult it can be to watch a child struggle and feel distress. These can be the times when a parent feels helpless – not knowing whether it’s best to help by making the problem go away or by letting the child find his/her own solution.

One purpose of “Child Anxiety Tales” is to provide the information a parent needs to know to be able to decide what to do if anxiety becomes interfering. Child Anxiety Tales is an interactive and engaging program that can be completed from the privacy and convenience of your computer.

The Child Anxiety Tales program includes:

  • Symptom Checker – Parents can complete a Symptom Checker to learn about the nature of their child’s anxiety or stress. The Symptom Checker provides personalized feedback on your child’s symptom status as well as recommendations for next steps. Users can also keep track of your child’s progress by following the results of the symptom checker over time.
  • 10 interactive training modules - The program is fun and easy to use. It’s 10 web-based fully animated modules include psychological information about anxiety, the principles of cognitive-behavioral treatment, how to do relaxation training, and step-by-step guidelines for parents to help youth understand and manage anxiety. Because the content of Child Anxiety Tales is driven by empirically supported principles, parents havefingertip access to gold-standard treatment principles for child anxiety!
  • Tools and resources – The program includes access to printable materials, sample videos of exposure tasks and relaxation exercises, as well as downloadable audio files. A list of web-based resources and research reports that are relevant for parents of anxious youth is easily accessed. This list will be updated on a regular basis to ensure availability of up-to-date information.
  • Parent tips and testimonials – The program includes tips from experienced practitioners and testimonials directly from other parents of children with anxiety. Users of Child Anxiety Tales can see videos, read excerpts, and hear audio from other parents who have helped their children with anxiety.
  • DVD – The program will be available for download or on DVD for those who do not have internet access or would like to complete the program offline.

Symptom Checker

Parents can complete a symptom checker, which will provide personalized feedback on your child’s symptom status and recommendations for next steps. Keep track of your child’s progress by following the results of the symptom checker over time.

Our symptom checker allows you to click on the symptoms that are consistent with what you’re seeing in your child and provides personalized feedback on your child’s symptom status and recommendations for next steps. Parents can complete a symptom checker to keep track of their child’s progress by following the results of the symptom checker over time.

Find out whether your child may be suffering from excessive stress or anxiety by answering a few simple questions.

Use the Symptom Checker

10 Interactive Training Modules

The program is fun and easy to use. It includes 10, 35-minute web-based fully animated modules that teaches parents background and principles of cognitive-behavioral treatment, relaxation techniques, and step-by-step guidelines on helping children and adolescents understand how to manage anxiety. The educational content is fully driven by principles that have research evidence to support it. Parents will have easy access to gold standard evidence-based treatment principles for child anxiety at their fingertips!


Parents Tips & Testimonials

The program also includes tips and testimonials directly from other parents of children with anxiety. Parents can see videos, read excerpts, and hear audio from other parents who have helped their children with anxiety.


This program will also be available for download for those who do not have internet access or would like to complete the program offline.

Tools & Resources

The program includes access to handouts, printable materials, sample exposure and relaxation videos and downloadable audio files, and a comprehensive list of web-based resources and research reports that are relevant for parents of anxious youth. This will be continuously updated to ensure availability of the most up-to-date information on child anxiety.


To Get Started...

Just a few quick steps to get started using the Child Anxiety Tales Program! Click on the “Sign Up” button below or at the top of the webpage to register and complete your purchase. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a unique user ID and password, which will give you full access to the Child Anxiety Tales evidence-based parent-training program. The program includes 10, 35-minute modules designed to teach parents cognitive-behavioral strategies for helping anxious youth, a symptom checker, helpful book and resource links, and tips from parents and experts on child and adolescent anxiety. You will have access to the program for 1 year after the purchase date, after which you will have the option to renew.

Cost: $125

Sign Up


What Child Anxiety Tales is Not

Child Anxiety Tales does not replace professional psychological, medical or mental health services or treatment.

The Child Anxiety Tales program does not take the place of treatment and is not sufficient for the treatment of an anxiety disorder on its own. Child Anxiety Tales and CopingCatParents.com is for educational purposes.

Child Anxiety Tales recommends that parents seek immediate psychological, medical or mental health services for their children in cases in which diagnosis of a mental health or psychiatric disorder is questioned or suspected.


A number of mental health or psychiatric conditions fall outside of the scope of the Coping Cat Parents website and the Child Anxiety Tales program, including, among others:

  • Depression, Suicidality
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Substance-Related Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Schizophrenia/Psychotic Disorders
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Mental Retardation
  • Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Learning, Motor Skills, and Communication Disorders

***Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

We hope that you find the information and tools on our site to be helpful. The website and the Child Anxiety Tales program are educational, and not intended to serve as or replace treatment.. The Child Anxiety Tales program does not replacetreatment and is not sufficient for treatment of anxiety on its own. Optimal care requires a diagnostic assessment and informed treatment planning. WorkbookPublishing and the developers of the program materials cannot comment or offer advice regarding personal inquiries about diagnosis or treatment. We also can not endorse the references or providers listed on this website, we merely list available resources with an evidence-base. If you are looking for a treatment provider, there are other websites that may be useful to you. Please visit Internet Resources to see a list. ***